TFM^2: Training-Free Mask Matching for Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation
Yaoxin Zhuo, Zachary Bessinger, Lichen Wang, Naji Khosravan, Baoxin Li, Sing Bing Kang. WACV 2025.
ZInD-Tell: Towards Translating Indoor Panoramas into Descriptions
Tonmoay Deb, Lichen Wang, Zachary Bessinger, Naji Khosravan, Eric Penner, Sing Bing Kang. CVPRW Multimodal Learning and Applications Workshop (MULA) 2024.
iBARLE: imBalance-Aware Room Layout Estimation
Taotao Jing, Lichen Wang, Naji Khosravan, Zhiqiang Wan, Zachary Bessinger, Zhengming Ding, Sing Bing Kang. WACV 2024.
LASER: LAtent SpacE Rendering for 2D Visual Localization
Zhixiang Min, Naji Khosravan, Zachary Bessinger, Manjunath Narayana, Sing Bing Kang, Enrique Dunn, Ivaylo Boyadzhiev. CVPR 2022.
Inconsistent Performance of Deep Learning Models on Mammogram Classification
Xiaoqin Wang, Gongbo Liang, Yu Zhang, Hunter Blanton, Zachary Bessinger and Nathan Jacobs. JACR 2020.
A Generative Model of Worldwide Facial Appearance
Zachary Bessinger and Nathan Jacobs. WACV 2019.
Predicting Ground-Level Scene Layout from Aerial Imagery
Menghua Zhai, Zachary Bessinger, Scott Workman, and Nathan Jacobs. CVPR 2017.
Who Goes There? Approaches to Mapping Facial Appearance Diversity
Zachary Bessinger, Chris Stauffer, and Nathan Jacobs. SIGSPATIAL 2016.
Quantifying Curb Appeal
Zachary Bessinger and Nathan Jacobs. ICIP 2016.
Sky Segmentation in the Wild: An Empirical Study
Radu Mihail, Scott Workman, Zachary Bessinger, and Nathan Jacobs. WACV 2016.
Localization of Drosophila embryos using connected components in scale space
Zachary Bessinger, Guangming Xing, and Qi Li. ICIP 2012.
Learning scale ranges for the extraction of regions of interest
Qi Li and Zachary Bessinger. ICIP 2012.